Cancellation & Refund Policy

You cannot cancel the order and demand refund once order is successfully placed and payment is processed by the payment gateway.

Refund requests will only be considered…

  • If the buyer does not get the delivery of the ordered products within 30 days from the order date.
  • If we fail to ship the ordered products.
  • If the shipping location is not serviced by our logistics partner(s).

No refund requests will be entertained for damaged products. However, damaged products will be exchanged as per our “Return & Exchange Policy”.

The refund process will start from 31st day of order and it will take a minimum of 30 days thereafter.

No Returns will be entertained if a customer wants to return the product because he / she doesn't like it after delivery of the product or feels the product doesn't match his expectations. No refunds will be given …

  • If the delivery address provided by the buyer is incorrect or outdated
  • If courier / logistics company finds “door-is-locked” for 3 times while delivery attempts.
  • Package refused by recipient.
  • All emails in this regard are to be sent to